LGBTQI+ Rights

LGBTQI+ people are a vital part of our nation and have remained resilient in their fight for equal rights.

However, the LGBTQI+ community is currently facing unprecedented levels of discrimination: State attacks explicitly targeting the rights of LGBTQI+ people have surged in recent years, while attempts to ban gender-affirming health care and criminalize drag performances have spread through various state houses across the country. Not only does the passage of these measures directly harm LGBTQI+ people and communities, but data also show that the mere introduction of these kinds of bills—which are often fueled by hateful and misinformed rhetoric—adversely affects LGBTQI+ people, especially youth.

CAP is dedicated to providing research that highlights the need for legal and lived equality for LGBTQI+ people as well as advancing policy solutions that further comprehensive nondiscrimination protections in tandem with policies that support the economic security, health, and safety of LGBTQI+ people.

Photo shows a black wrought iron fence next to a brick sidewalk. Small, colorful pride and transgender flags line the fence.
Colorful pride flags line a wrought iron fence at Christopher Park, part of the Stonewall National Monument in Greenwich Village, New York. (Getty/John Senter/UCG/Universal Images Group)
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LGBTQI+ Policy


Discrimination and Barriers to Well-Being: The State of the LGBTQI+ Community in 2022
Report Intersex Progress Pride flag

Discrimination and Barriers to Well-Being: The State of the LGBTQI+ Community in 2022

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Caroline Medina, Lindsay Mahowald


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CAP Changemakers: Equality for All Past Event

CAP Changemakers: Equality for All

This conversation with Cait Smith and Winnie Stachelberg highlights CAP’s role in developing the Equality Act and current strides to make the country and world more equitable for LGBTQI+ communities.

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5 Connections Between Attacks on Abortion Care and Transgender Medical Care in Idaho Court Cases Article
Photo shows a group of people demonstrating in front of the Supreme Court building. One sign reads

5 Connections Between Attacks on Abortion Care and Transgender Medical Care in Idaho Court Cases

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2023 Progressive Wins Video

2023 Progressive Wins

This year saw protections for transgender rights, women's rights, the environment, and U.S. democracy overall, as well as strides in building the economy and keeping communities safe.

Hai-Lam Phan, Toni Pandolfo, Ming Gault, 1 More Jeremy Hill

2023 CAP IDEAS Conference Past Event
CAP IDEAS Conference logo

2023 CAP IDEAS Conference

Join the Center for American Progress as we celebrate 20 years of innovative policy solutions and look boldly forward to a progressive future.

Paid Leave Policies Must Include Chosen Family Article
Photo shows a couple sitting together on a park bench.

Paid Leave Policies Must Include Chosen Family

In order to better support all workers—especially LGBTQI+ workers—policymakers must design paid leave policies that are inclusive of chosen family and reflect the diverse caregiving needs of people across the country.

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