
Rights and Justice

Rights & Justice works to combat systemic inequality through policies ensuring that everyone can exercise their rights and has an equal opportunity to thrive.

A protester holds up placards during a demonstration, June 2020. (Getty/Maranie R Staab/AFP)

What We're Doing

Closing the racial wealth gap

The racial wealth gap between white households and Black and brown households continues to grow wider. CAP is pursuing targeted policies that are necessary to reverse this deepening divide. A recent issue brief highlights the pandemic’s impact on the Black-white wealth gap.

Creating a pathway to citizenship

CAP is fighting for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, Deferred Enforced Departure (DED)-eligible individuals, and essential workers. Citizenship for undocumented immigrants is a crucial step toward a fair, humane, and workable immigration system.

Reducing overreliance on police

In October 2020, CAP partnered with the Law Enforcement Action Partnership on a report detailing the need to reduce reliance on law enforcement for all calls for service and instead create civilian community responder programs to respond to many categories of calls.

Advancing LGBTQ equality

In January, CAP published a report providing recommendations for how the Biden-Harris administration could advance LGBTQ equality. The report has since informed dozens of actions from the White House, including a day 1 executive order implementing protections for LGBTQ workers.

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In U.S. v. Rahimi, Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Domestic Violence Survivor Safety but Upholds Problematic Bruen Framework Article
Photo shows a Supreme Court building partly lit inside, against a dark blue sky

In U.S. v. Rahimi, Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Domestic Violence Survivor Safety but Upholds Problematic Bruen Framework

On June 21, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that a sensible and effective gun violence prevention law protecting domestic violence survivors remains constitutional; however, the fact that survivor safety was compromised because of the politicization of the judiciary—and could be again in the future—should not be forgotten.

CAP Changemakers: Equality for All Past Event

CAP Changemakers: Equality for All

This conversation with Cait Smith and Winnie Stachelberg highlights CAP’s role in developing the Equality Act and current strides to make the country and world more equitable for LGBTQI+ communities.

Cait Smith, Winnie Stachelberg

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