Climate Impacts

Climate change increases risks to our economy, health, infrastructure, food and water, and almost every facet of life and governance. The prevalence and severity of storms and wildfires; the loss of landmass and flooding of homes; forced migration; and the decimation of crops and natural wonders that have stood for years are accelerating due to climate change. The Center for American Progress diligently seeks to provide a spotlight on the costs of human-caused climate change and the strategies to mitigate climate impacts in the future.


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State Leadership To Conserve Nature Past Event

State Leadership To Conserve Nature

Join the Center for American Progress and the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators for a discussion with state leaders about conservation policy successes.

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice Online Past Event

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice Online

Please join Azul, the Center for American Progress, and Urban Ocean Lab for an online symposium on the rising tide of justice and equity in ocean policy.

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice Past Event

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice

Please join Azul, the Center for American Progress, and Urban Ocean Lab for an in-person symposium on the rising tide of justice and equity in ocean policy.

Securing Environmental Justice for All Report
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House before signing an executive order that would create the White House Office of Environmental Justice.

Securing Environmental Justice for All

The Biden administration has launched the most ambitious climate and environmental justice agenda in history to ensure that every community has clean air and water, can access living-wage jobs and affordable clean energy, and is protected from climate change threats.

Cathleen Kelly, Michele Roberts, Rachel Chang

Securing Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Environment for All Video

Securing Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Environment for All

Industrial facilities are most often located in or near Black, brown, and low-income communities who face the brunt of harmful industrial pollution, climate change impacts, and other environmental and public health hazards—something Harold Mitchell experienced firsthand in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Fortunately, the Biden administration’s long-overdue environmental justice investments can ensure that all people—regardless of race, income, or ZIP code—have clean air and clean water and live in safe and healthy communities.

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Related Priorities

Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice

Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice

We pursue climate action that meets the crisis’s urgency, creates good-quality jobs, benefits disadvantaged communities, and restores U.S. credibility on the global stage.

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