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IPEF Starts To Demonstrate Results Article
President Joe Biden speaks from behind a podium next to other IPEF leaders with country flags in the background.

IPEF Starts To Demonstrate Results

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity remains an important geostrategic and geo-economic initiative in the Asia-Pacific region.

Ryan Mulholland

A Conversation With Dr. Lael Brainard Past Event

A Conversation With Dr. Lael Brainard

Please join the Center for American Progress for a conversation with National Economic Adviser Lael Brainard on the Biden administration’s investment agenda and China’s overcapacity.

Taiwan’s Election: PRC Interference and Its Implications for the 2024 Election Landscape Article
Election workers in Taipei count voting ballots.

Taiwan’s Election: PRC Interference and Its Implications for the 2024 Election Landscape

The Democratic Progressive Party’s triumph in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election signals Taiwan’s resilience against the People’s Republic of China’s coordinated and intense interference efforts; but it also accentuates the critical need for nations worldwide to formulate robust strategies against escalating threats of interference, thereby safeguarding the integrity of global democratic processes.

Sustainable and Reliable: Securing Resources for the Clean Energy Future Report
Used electric vehicle batteries are set up for further testing.

Sustainable and Reliable: Securing Resources for the Clean Energy Future

The United States must act quickly, in concert with its allies, to secure an economically and environmentally sustainable supply chain of battery minerals that benefits and respects the rights of workers and front-line communities.

Tackling the Opioid Crisis Requires a Whole-of-Government, Society-Wide Approach Report
U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents sift through packages in search of fentanyl.

Tackling the Opioid Crisis Requires a Whole-of-Government, Society-Wide Approach

The opioid epidemic is a complex public health crisis that can be ameliorated by addressing root causes of drug use; expanding access to treatment and harm reduction strategies; and reducing the supply of illicit opioids entering the United States.

Trinh Q. Truong, Debu Gandhi, Jill Rosenthal, 5 More Marquisha Johns, Mariam Rashid, Dan Restrepo, Akua Amaning, Cleo Bluthenthal

A Primer on the 2022 National Security Strategy Article
A view of the White House.

A Primer on the 2022 National Security Strategy

The 2022 National Security Strategy introduces new ideas on navigating strategic competition with China and Russia, investing at home, and a renewed focus on the fight against climate change.

Peter Juul, Heba Malik

The Expanding International Reach of China’s Police Report
Zhao Kezhi seated behind table surrounded by attendees

The Expanding International Reach of China’s Police

China’s Ministry of Public Security has expanded its global activities, increasingly threatening U.S. interests and influencing security sector governance around the world.

Jordan Link

Reviving arms control, post-Ukraine: Why New START still matters In the News

Reviving arms control, post-Ukraine: Why New START still matters

Larry Korb discusses the challenges of nuclear arms control and U.S.-Russia relations that may arise once there is a negotiated peace settlement with Ukraine.

the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Lawrence J. Korb, Stephen J. Cimbala

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