Energy and Environment

Domestic Climate

It’s time to build a 100 percent clean future, deliver on environmental justice, and empower workers to compete in the global clean energy economy.

Girls playing with kites in a wheat field with wind turbines in the background. (Getty/Tetra Images/Erik Isakson/Brand X Pictures)

What We're Doing

Building a 100 percent clean future

Stabilizing global warming starts with cutting carbon pollution in the United States to half of peak levels by 2030, leading global net greenhouse gas emissions to reach zero by midcentury, and sustaining net-negative emissions thereafter.

Creating good jobs in the United States

Building a 100 percent clean future will create millions of new jobs, and policy must ensure that these jobs are located here in the United States and provide workers fair wages, good benefits, and full collective bargaining rights.

Fighting for environmental justice

Partnering with environmental justice advocates to turn the tide against environmental injustice, economic inequality, and climate change will ensure everyone can realize their fundamental right to clean air, clean water, and healthy, thriving communities. 


Learning from leadership in the states

Creating a road map for federal action will lift up lessons learned from the states, local governments, and tribal nations that have made important strides for climate, justice, and jobs.

It's time to build a 100 percent clean future, deliver on environmental justice, and empower workers to compete in the global clean energy economy.

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Community Conversations Event Series Video

Community Conversations Event Series

The Biden administration’s unprecedented environmental justice investments are transforming despair into optimism and into tangible benefits in communities, including clean air and water, jobs, improved public health, and clean and affordable energy.

Securing Environmental Justice for All Report
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House before signing an executive order that would create the White House Office of Environmental Justice.

Securing Environmental Justice for All

The Biden administration has launched the most ambitious climate and environmental justice agenda in history to ensure that every community has clean air and water, can access living-wage jobs and affordable clean energy, and is protected from climate change threats.

Cathleen Kelly, Michele Roberts, Rachel Chang

4 Things To Know About the EPA’s Upcoming Car Emissions Standards Article
Photo shows a black plaque with gold lettering reading

4 Things To Know About the EPA’s Upcoming Car Emissions Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency’s finalized emissions standards for cars and light trucks in model years 2027 through 2032 will drive billions of dollars in public health, climate, and economic benefits.

Leo Banks

‘Clean Up To Green Up’: Building a Clean Energy Workforce and a Brighter Future in Detroit Video

‘Clean Up To Green Up’: Building a Clean Energy Workforce and a Brighter Future in Detroit

The Green Door Initiative is using federal investments from President Joe Biden's Justice40 Initiative and the Inflation Reduction Act to ensure that all people—regardless of race, income, or ZIP code—have access to good jobs and live in safe and healthy communities.

We Need Smart Policy for Automakers to Profit on EVs In the News

We Need Smart Policy for Automakers to Profit on EVs

Former Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI) asserts the need for the United States to implement a charging infrastructure that can meet consumers’ needs in an op-ed published in WardsAuto.


Rep. Andy Levin

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