Structural Reform and Governance

Democracy Policy

The Democracy Policy team is advancing an agenda to win structural reforms that strengthen the U.S. system and give everyone an equal voice in the democratic process.

Protestors raise their fists during a rally on the National Mall before the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., April 2006. (Getty/Mandel NGAN/AFP)

What we're doing

Safeguarding democracy by enacting bold structural reforms

To build a multiracial representative democracy, we need bold structural reforms that expand participation. We are leading policy analysis and research, communications, and advocacy to pass voting rights and democracy reform legislation in Congress to help defend democracy from the serious threats it faces.

Combating democratic decay and disinformation

We are leading cross-institutional work to combat the erosion of trust in government and in our elections—spread in part by the big lie about the 2020 election and a broader strategy by conservatives employed for decades. 

The Democracy Policy team is advancing an agenda to win structural reforms that strengthen the U.S. system and give everyone an equal voice in the democratic process.

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Recent work

Partners & Coalitions

We are part of the 200+-organization Declaration for American Democracy coalition, the largest coalition of progressive groups assembled to fight for democracy reform—including intersectional advocacy, membership, and policy groups. 


Compact View

Voting Rights in Alabama Past Event

Voting Rights in Alabama

The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, the Battle Against Voter Suppression Today, and the Need for Federal Solutions

How the Racist History of the Filibuster Lives on Today Report
Photo shows the Capitol building against a background of dark gray storm clouds

How the Racist History of the Filibuster Lives on Today

By blocking the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the filibuster continues its long history as an institutional tool used to oppress Black and brown Americans.

Greta Bedekovics

Citizens United Gave Corporations, But Not Their Boards, the Authority To Spend in Candidate Elections Report
U.S. Supreme Court

Citizens United Gave Corporations, But Not Their Boards, the Authority To Spend in Candidate Elections

Since 2010, corporate boards and management have been handing over the constitutional rights of individual U.S.-citizen shareholders to large shareholders and foreign nationals; shareholders can put a stop to this, and lawmakers, regulators, and courts can help them.

The Protection of Voting Rights Requires State Action Report
Photo shows a red sign with blue text that reads

The Protection of Voting Rights Requires State Action

As legislation on voting rights awaits action in Congress—and states continue to pass restrictive, discriminatory voting policies and the courts strip federal voter protections—states must step up and protect the right to vote.

Rebecca Mears

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