The Future of Testing in Education

In this series, the Center for American Progress examines how assessments in public schools can become effective instruments that help to measure whether schools and educators are meeting the goals of education. It considers how assessments are designed, and how their results are used and understood, and emphasizes that when done purposefully, these tests can be part of the solution in creating a high-quality education for every child. This series is designed to be useful to federal, state, and local policymakers, as well as to practitioners, by challenging the norms on which current assessment policy and practice are based in order to present new and fresh thinking on this issue.

In this series

Compact View

Future of Testing in Education: Artificial Intelligence Report

Future of Testing in Education: Artificial Intelligence

Technology and artificial intelligence can vastly improve the types of assessments teachers use to guide students in their learning.

Laura Jimenez, Ulrich Boser

Future of Testing in Education: The Way Forward for State Standardized Tests Report

Future of Testing in Education: The Way Forward for State Standardized Tests

There are valid criticisms about the current structure of state standardized testing in schools; the solution is not to get rid of these assessments but rather to design them differently.

Laura Jimenez, Ulrich Boser

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