Ensuring Paid Leave for the Self-Employed

Millions of Americans are self-employed, whether they call themselves freelancers, independent contractors, entrepreneurs, or small-business owners. When a serious health need strikes or a new child arrives, the self-employed need time away from work just as employees do but all too often cannot afford to take it—unless there’s a paid leave program to protect them. This series explores who the self-employed are, what paid leave means for them, and the state of play in federal and state policy on paid leave for this population.

Photo shows a mother wearing a mask with her 1-year-old daughter on her lap. A nurse in dark-blue scrubs gives the child a vaccine in her leg
A mother holds her child as a nurse, left, gives the child a vaccine in Los Angeles, June 2022. (Getty/Keith Birmingham/MediaNews Group/Pasadena Star-News)

In this series

Compact View

Why Self-Employed Workers Need Paid Leave Report
Capitol dome at sunrise, seen through chain-link fencing

Why Self-Employed Workers Need Paid Leave

For many self-employed Americans, the cost of taking leave for illness or family needs is too high without support, shaping both what self-employment looks like and who has access to it.

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