Charting a New Course for the U.S.-South Korea Alliance

For nearly 70 years, the U.S.-South Korea alliance has been a linchpin of security in the Indo-Pacific. In recent years, the two governments have been working together to expand their scope of cooperation from beyond the peninsula to the broader region.

Over the course of 2021, experts at the Center for American Progress have led a project bringing together a network of self-identified progressives from the United States and South Korea to identify pain points, highlight convergences, and generate new ideas for the U.S.-South Korea alliance. Based on the results of the network’s conversation, CAP released three issue briefs discussing the role of the U.S.-South Korea alliance as it pertains to North Korea, China, and Southeast Asia. CAP thanks the Korea Foundation for its support of this project.

In this series

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Southeast Asia: The Next Frontier of the U.S.-South Korea Alliance Report
A soldier gestures from his position securing a road lined with the flags of member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as regional dialogue partner countries.

Southeast Asia: The Next Frontier of the U.S.-South Korea Alliance

As the United States and South Korea expand their bilateral cooperation beyond Northeast Asia, here are some ideas on how they can chart a path forward in Southeast Asia.

Tobias Harris, Abigail Bard, Haneul Lee

The China Difference in the U.S.-South Korea Alliance Report
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and South Korean Defense Minister Suh Wook attend a news conference.

The China Difference in the U.S.-South Korea Alliance

It is important to understand why the United States and South Korea do not see eye to eye on how to confront challenges presented by China.

Tobias Harris, Abigail Bard, Haneul Lee

Prospects for Diplomacy With North Korea Report

Prospects for Diplomacy With North Korea

Given political considerations in the United States and South Korea, a diplomatic approach with North Korea is likely unsustainable in the long term.

Tobias Harris, Abigail Bard, Haneul Lee

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