
Sima J. Gandhi


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Ask the Expert: What Are Tax Expenditures? Video

Ask the Expert: What Are Tax Expenditures?

Sima Gandhi explains tax expenditures: what they are, what makes them different from other forms of government spending, and how we can rein them in.

Sima J. Gandhi

Turn Off the Oil Subsidy Spigot Article
An oil pump sits idle along the Texas Gulf Coast. The oil subsidies Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the president’s budget, and other lawmakers propose eliminating pay companies to find and produce oil. Eliminating them will have little if any effect on consumer prices. (AP/Pat Sullivan)

Turn Off the Oil Subsidy Spigot

Congress dropped the ball three weeks ago on eliminating big oil tax subsidies, but it still has a chance to act, writes Sima J. Gandhi.

Sima J. Gandhi

Show Us the Money Report
The New York Stock Exchange in operation in March 2010. (AP/Mark Lennihan)

Show Us the Money

Report from Sima Gandhi argues that investors deserve clear information about executive compensation and explains how to get there.

Sima J. Gandhi

Rescission Decision Article

Rescission Decision

Congress should question the White House’s omission of $1 trillion in tax expenditures in its new proposal to cut wasteful spending, writes Sima J. Gandhi.

Sima J. Gandhi

Why Do We Give Oil Companies Such Large Subsidies? Video

Why Do We Give Oil Companies Such Large Subsidies?

Sima J. Gandhi explains why oil companies get such large government handouts, why they take such little responsibility when they cause disasters, and what we can do to hold them more responsible.

Sima J. Gandhi

Eliminating Tax Subsidies for Oil Companies Article
A new oil well operates on the outskirts of Parshall, ND, in 2008. President Obama’s 2011 budget proposes to eliminate nine different tax expenditures that primarily benefit oil and gas companies. (AP/James MacPherson)

Eliminating Tax Subsidies for Oil Companies

President Obama proposes eliminating nine different tax expenditures primarily benefiting oil companies in his 2011 budget, would save the government about $45 billion over the next 10 years, writes Sima J. Gandhi.

Sima J. Gandhi

The Big Oil Discount Article
A man pumps gas into a vehicle in Portland, OR. Oil companies need to be held liable for the costs of their actions, and we need to cut the billions in unnecessary subsidies these profitable companies currently receive. (AP/Rick Bowmer)

The Big Oil Discount

BP and other oil companies are able to take advantage of many loopholes and subsidies that distort the marketplace to their advantage, writes Sima Gandhi.

Sima J. Gandhi

Investing in our Clean Energy Economy Article
The recently introduced SEAM Act would expand a manufacturing tax credit for clean energy companies like Schott Solar in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which manufactures photovoltaic panels. (AP/Susan Montoya Bryan)

Investing in our Clean Energy Economy

The Security in Energy and Manufacturing Act will put Americans back to work, argue Richard W. Caperton, Sima J. Gandhi, and Kate Gordon.

Richard W. Caperton, Sima J. Gandhi, Kate Gordon

Pumping Tax Dollars to Big Oil Article
It’s time for Congress to reexamine its priorities when it comes to tax subsidies for oil companies like ExxonMobil, which total billions of dollars a year. (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)

Pumping Tax Dollars to Big Oil

It’s time for Congress to re-examine its priorities when it comes to tax subsidies for oil companies, which total billions of dollars a year.

Sima J. Gandhi

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