
National Security and International Policy

Advancing progressive national security policies that are grounded in respect for democratic values: accountability, rule of law, and human rights.

Representatives of the U.N. Security Council members raise their hands to vote in favor of a draft resolution at the U.N. headquarters in New York, September 30, 2021. (Loey Felipe/UN Photo/Handout via Xinhua)

What We're Doing

Defending democracy

Democracies around the globe—including our own—face threats not seen in generations. We work to bolster the guardrails of democracy around the world, strengthening the rule of law and accountability, and in so doing, we add our voice to the chorus pushing against authoritarian forms of government.

Revitalizing diplomacy

The United States’ most enduring advantage is our network of alliances. Alliances and relationships are increasingly important components of U.S. national power, furthering economic, security, and humanitarian aims. We develop and support approaches for revitalizing diplomacy to further U.S. engagement in improving lives at home and around the world.

Putting climate at the center of U.S. foreign policy

Climate change threatens global security, stability, and humanity, bringing sweeping changes to our world. We are working to center climate in our international efforts and policies by transforming strategy, culture, and budgets; outlining collective responses; and defining new bilateral and multilateral alliances that can advance collective solutions to these urgent problems confronting the country and the world.

Redefining American security in today’s threat environment

Many of today’s most foreseeable threats are those that affect daily life and prospects for prosperity: COVID-19, climate change, systemic inequality, racism, and global disinformation aimed at undermining rights and democratic practices. We are working to reconceptualize what national security means in the 21st century and how U.S. national security institutions and foreign policy priorities can adapt to protect Americans and safeguard human security for all.

The National Security and International Policy department advances progressive national security policies that are grounded in respect for democratic values: accountability, rule of law, and human rights.

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The Forgotten War: Sudan in Crisis Past Event

The Forgotten War: Sudan in Crisis

Join the Center for American Progress for a discussion on what must be done to bring urgent humanitarian relief to Sudan and restore lasting peace.

A Conversation With Dr. Lael Brainard Past Event

A Conversation With Dr. Lael Brainard

Please join the Center for American Progress for a conversation with National Economic Adviser Lael Brainard on the Biden administration’s investment agenda and China’s overcapacity.

Famine and Insecurity in Northern Gaza Article

Famine and Insecurity in Northern Gaza

Famine is likely underway in the north of Gaza, a man-made crisis resulting from the Israeli government’s obstruction of aid delivery and failure to address a deteriorating security situation.

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